A: Why on earth is this bag so expensive? I can get the same elsewhere for 20 euros.
B: Yes, but this one is made in EU, has better stitching, unique prints, is branded, will last.
A: But I don't want it to last! In four weeks it will be out of fashion anyway...
Fashion. How much does it cost? Too expensive. Too cheap. At what cost...
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months. (Oscar Wilde)
Good question... I don't have an answer though...!
Yeah, I wouldn't buy something that expensive even if my life depended on it. Excuse me, but I am cheap, I like my zara and my pull 'n' bear clothes.
No way I would spend so much money on a single item! Totally not worth it, even if the craftsmanship is so amazing it will last for my great-grand-kids to hold. Which I seriously doubt...
And when I do choose to pay an extra something for quality, I don't want to have to pay for the brand name as well. No-name italian leather goods are much better looking and better made.
I can't really explain the feeling when you buy something with value!!! I love zara, mara klpklp but when I am buying something from Mark Jacobs ex. It's like my baby! I take care of it I place it in it's box etc etc!! But in the end, after couple of months it's on the same level with my zara stuff...!! pfft dont know!!
as for the hometown teak, it's on a recess I think!! It ll make a comeback I am sure!!! we <3 Piraeus anyways!
oh well... with these questions all bets are off! I think it has to do mainly with character and education. It's up to each and every one of us to be concsious of what we are buying and why. I myself marvel at the fact that there are soooo many clothing brands out there. I could buy my outfits from 3 places.
So true, that bag is extremely expensive, and also weirdly reminscent of a bummble-bee-no? Youyr bag is much better and has a softer colour to it, making it more versatile, I mean the M.J. bag you could exactly take many places, without being mugged.
i don't know which is worse- the people who SELL a bag that expensive, or the people who BUY a bag that expensive? obviously if bags are being sold all over the world that expensive people are buying them.. you would think the way the economy is right now people would stop buying useless things and the price would go down?
This constant changing is part of the game. In the end, i think it is what makes it interesting and we do not get bored of it. As for the bag, i thought it was out of question. But since you are getting several opinions here, obviously your mums one. ;)
ps. couldnt write the jacobs one, after my "in times of recession" list ahahahaha
Great question. I might be back to ask more from you for my college magazine!
interesting post dear.
everytime i shop iv got this dilema. of course i cannot buy something so expensive but i also doubt that this huge sum of money certifies the quality.
lopi is so right that in some cases no-name items are even better than those of brand names.
on the other hand i deslike fake - plastic cheap bags made in china, from young workers paid less than 1 dollar per day (i think iv written this before). its a matter of fashion moral or something. i think i should finaly write a proper post about all these things...
xarika polu pou se gnwrisa kai eida epiteloys to proswpo(k ta uperoxa mallia) tis geitonisas mou!! ;) gia mena opws soy pa k xthes , oi upodeixeis tou kuriou lefteri, itan tromaxtiki empeiria, opws eipe k i lopi, mas ekane S teliko!!!
sumfwnw me th jo den tha mporousa na exw mia tsanta pu kostizei oso to gala kai ta trofima enos mwrou gia 3 mhnes kai bale ... einai gia mena polu adiko asxeta an polu lene ta dulepsa ta aksizw dn me briskei katholu sumfwnh
by the way your mom has great taste !
dld re koritsia sas ebgale to ladi autos o kurioulhs?
omws eimai sigurh oti oi photo tha nai uperoxes!! anupomonw ! ! ! !
exeis uperoxo malli sumfwnw me thn katerina ! ! ! kai h katerina exei uperoxo malli !!!!
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