Sakis Rouvas at Mad Video Music Awards 2010, wearing Dimitris Kaidantzis' BESPOKE (Dimitirs Kaidantzis as in MWAPD). This image is perfect. I pause.
*Fashion Algorithms has done an excellent who-wore-what post, have a look. More images and info on what went on at MVMA 2010 here - where this picture probably came from anyway.
got time for a bitter early morning comment? Ok, here goes: while I rejoyce to the fact that greek pop stars(?) discover the talented young designers I shudder whenever a new hit comes along. I shudder from the tackiness and utter lack of originality. don't even get me started on the music..
Thanks for the shout! I didn't know that, so thanks for letting me know! Have you seen that Vandi was wearing the same lace playsuit as Inna! Here is what happens when you pick non greek designer!
@ battered couture - oh deer, ur hard to please. so some singers of questionable stardom who lack originality are discovering new greek designers like Kaidantzis, Georgiou, Strepkos or Koudounaris. At least those tacky nobodies have got a good taste in clothes?
πραγματικά μου κάνει εντύπωση πώς ένας νέος σχεδιαστής διαλέγει να ντύσει ένα τόσο μέινστριμ σελέμπριτι όσο ο ρουβάς. σίγουρα θέλει το εξπόζουρ (σικ), αλλά οκ, γιατί δεν διάλεγε κανέναν αβάντ γκαρντ ηθοποιό, κάτι διαφορετικό βρε παιδίμ....άλλο παράδειγμα - π βρεττάκος που ντύνει τη Βανδή, ο οποίος έχει βγάλει ένα ροουγιαλ κόλλετζ οφ αρτ. γιατί βρε παιδιά?? δηλαδή είναι οξύμωρο το γεγονός ότι θέλουνε να φέρουνε νέο αέρα στην ελληνική μόδα, αλλά τα πρόσωπα που χρησιμοποιούνε είναι μπανάλ. δεν ξέρω...
Let's be frank here: It's not the pop stars who do the discovering of talented Greek disigners... It's their stylists, obviously! Not that I'm not happy that they do, on the contrary, it's great becausE it means more exposure and hopefully more sales for the said designers. So bring it on!
@ lopi - true! singers do have a say in what they wear too but yes, the clothes are a stylist's job. Regarding what I answered to battered couture above, I'm only teasing. One's taste in music is like one's taste in clothes, etc. everything is allowed.
fat and lazy ... last show of'em attended by moi. it was fun:)
week...i've lost count
week seven
week five
week four
Week Three
Week Two
Week One
Pics In This Blog
The pictures in this blog are usually shot by me and referenced as such. The rest do not belong to me but are posted for commentary purposes and I'm doing my best to reference them and link them to the original sources. If for some reason the owner does not want them here, please email me and I will happily remove them.
got time for a bitter early morning comment? Ok, here goes: while I rejoyce to the fact that greek pop stars(?) discover the talented young designers I shudder whenever a new hit comes along. I shudder from the tackiness and utter lack of originality. don't even get me started on the music..
Thanks for the shout! I didn't know that, so thanks for letting me know! Have you seen that Vandi was wearing the same lace playsuit as Inna! Here is what happens when you pick non greek designer!
@ battered couture - oh deer, ur hard to please. so some singers of questionable stardom who lack originality are discovering new greek designers like Kaidantzis, Georgiou, Strepkos or Koudounaris. At least those tacky nobodies have got a good taste in clothes?
*sakis forevah:)
ax elpizw na mhn to skisei k auto
Loveeeee Sakissss! thanks for sharing :)))
axxxx... sakis!!
πραγματικά μου κάνει εντύπωση πώς ένας νέος σχεδιαστής διαλέγει να ντύσει ένα τόσο μέινστριμ σελέμπριτι όσο ο ρουβάς. σίγουρα θέλει το εξπόζουρ (σικ), αλλά οκ, γιατί δεν διάλεγε κανέναν αβάντ γκαρντ ηθοποιό, κάτι διαφορετικό βρε παιδίμ....άλλο παράδειγμα - π βρεττάκος που ντύνει τη Βανδή, ο οποίος έχει βγάλει ένα ροουγιαλ κόλλετζ οφ αρτ. γιατί βρε παιδιά?? δηλαδή είναι οξύμωρο το γεγονός ότι θέλουνε να φέρουνε νέο αέρα στην ελληνική μόδα, αλλά τα πρόσωπα που χρησιμοποιούνε είναι μπανάλ. δεν ξέρω...
Mary Wants A Purple Dress s/s 10 collection is so chic and fabulous..
I love the trousers with pleats!!!!!!!
@battered couture & @alecca rox
Let's be frank here:
It's not the pop stars who do the discovering of talented Greek disigners... It's their stylists, obviously!
Not that I'm not happy that they do, on the contrary, it's great becausE it means more exposure and hopefully more sales for the said designers. So bring it on!
@ lopi - true! singers do have a say in what they wear too but yes, the clothes are a stylist's job. Regarding what I answered to battered couture above, I'm only teasing. One's taste in music is like one's taste in clothes, etc. everything is allowed.
Σακης θεος!τι αλλο να πεις?
δεν υπαρχειιι!
αν θες κανε με παρακολουθηση
new blood in town!
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