Strella, tonight at 22.30 at "Elli" cinema, Athens. A movie by Panos H. Koutras. Costumes by Vassilis Bargarigos. Drag costume design is among the most exciting, challenging and creative areas of the film industry. Expressive, colourful, kitch... I am dying to watch this. Costumes is not the only motive, it's meant to be one of contemporary Greek cinema's gems. If in Athens, make tonight a late night.
*update: 06/11/09. Intense make-up by Apollonia B, seriously good performances. Watch it with an open mind, look for the message beyond the obvious. A gem indeed, already well-received by the audience of Berlin's 59th international movies festival, tonight was announced that the French audience will have the chance to watch it too, distributed by Libération.
fat and lazy ... last show of'em attended by moi. it was fun:)
week...i've lost count
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week five
week four
Week Three
Week Two
Week One
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