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This is an ugly post about stuff that used to be pretty.
Strolling around the streets of Pireaus, Gazi and Kifisia the past few months, I came across a lot of scenes like these. Since my camera is always in my handbag, I started documenting the mess and now I have ended up with an impossibly large folder. So you don't need them anymore. But, seriously, is their place in the garbage bin?
Research says that 85% of recyclable clothes are being needlessly thrown out (not my research, GLOBAL research). At the same time that some parts of the world (or this country) are deprived of the absolute necessities, some people throw their clothes and shoes in the garbage bins only to go and buy some more, new and trendy. Which sooner or later will end up in trash too, cause it's fast fashion baby.
Ok, you don't want them. Ok, you won't wear them any more. Fine. But is this the best you could think of? Don't we have any homeless people's shelters you could place them outside from? Couldn't you at least place them somewhere away from dangerously dirty garbage in case someone wants them? They are not furniture you know, you can't just disinfect them.
Yeah, buy more, throw away more, so that giant companies can produce more and then we can all happily burry underneath our pretty garbage. Speaking of companies, you'd better read this.
"During her walks down 35th Street, Ms. Magnus said, it is more common to find destroyed clothing in the H & M trash. On Dec. 7, during an early cold snap, she said, she saw about 20 bags filled with H & M clothing that had been cut up" . (source: The NY Times)
You don't want to buy them? Fine. Nobody gets to wear them. And we will produce more that you'll wonna buy. And garbage grows...
Life in Athens is on her own mission to resist this. She is doing the 'Not Shop Project', documented in her blog, which translates to 365 days of wearing what she already owns. That's right, no shopping, check her out. And don't forget, I am sure when the girls were putting it together, they had all this in mind. It's been said before: "your trash may be someone else's treasure". (google it)
Just think before you throw away.
Some things have got to change.
oh this breaks my heart. If you don't want it anymore, please please donate!
το μόνο θετικό που μπορώ να βρω στην επερχόμενη κρίση είναι το ότι αναγκαστικά θα αρχίσουμε να αξιολογούμε περισσότερο το τί πετάμε και με πόση ευκολία. όταν έχεις ξοδέψει 10 ευρώ για ένα μπλουζάκι από το hm είναι πανεύκολο και να το πετάξεις (ειδικά αν σκεφτείς ότι οι άνθρωποι πετάνε με περισσή ευκολία ακόμη και έπιπλα).
μακάρι αντί για αυτές τις εικόνες να αυξηθεί ο κόσμος στα swap party π.χ.
ποτε δεν ειχα προβλημα να χαρισω ή στο πού να βρω να δωσω ρούχα κ παπούτσια που ειναι σε καλή κατάσταση.
το πρόβλημά μου είναι παρότι έχω μειώσει τα ψώνια αρκετά, δεν τα έχω μειώσει όσο θα θελα. (άλλο μεγαλο θέμα: how much is too much..?)
I don't know why people do this! If we all knew what we could make with old clothes... After all it's so nice helping other people. Oh, what can I say! Very very interesting post! As usual!
Kati tetoio skeutomouna kai egw prosfata... Einai krima pou sthn ellada den exoume to mentality tou na dinoume pragmata... Tha htan polu kalh idea na apokthsoume charity shops opws kai sthn agglia opou dinontai rouxa ta opoia metapolountai se polu xamhles times (recycling) kai ta lefta dorizontai se organismous h se kosmo pou ta exei anagh. Etsi einai oloi eutuxismenoi...
Otan hmoun sth sxolh (kati xronia prin) kaname party opou antalazame rouxa, kati san to swishing pou kanoun ta koritsia mono se mikroterh klimaka! Elpizw na sunexistei!!!!!
(sugnwmh gia ta greeklish, eimai sth douleia kai den exw ellhniko plhktrologio...)
very well sai d indeed. I think it has to do with the way one is raised. If your family does not teach recycling and its necessity well you are most likely to grow into a incosiderate prick. the only garment i have ever thrown out was some torn panties. :)
einai mia polu asximi eikona auti..
k mpravo sou p asxolise k me ena tetoio 9emaa...exeis prwtotupiseii...:)
apsogo to post sou. oi fotos sou deixnoun apla xuma thn pragmatikothta. merikes fores kapoioi mpainoun sto trypaki twn trends, kai dwstou kainouria rouxa kai kainouries ntoulapes... to mono kalo einai oti ta vintage einai pia 'ths modas' opote pou tha paei tha anakuklwseis kai kati ths mamas (h kai ths giagias..)
Pantws, in case you're interested, uparxei h athinaiki agora sto kentro pou mazeuei ta rouxa pou den xreiazesai kai ta dinei se astegous kai aporous. Epishs, egw exw afisei kapoia rouxa kai sta koutia ths agaphs , xwris omws na kserw pws kai pou kataligoun.. apo tis kaluteres luseis einai xwria sos, orfanotrofia kai gnwstoi.. bravo sou gia thn ereuna, i enjoyed..
απλά δεν πάει το χέρι μου να πετάξω ρούχο ή παπούτσι, η μόνη φορά που το έκανα ήταν με κάτι μπαλαρίνες που είχαν καταντήσει τόσο σιχαμερές που δεν θα μπορούσε πλέον να τις φορέσει κανένας
θυμάμαι παλιά στη Σάμο μαζεύαμε σακούλες με ρούχα και τα δίναμε στην εκκλησία και η γιαγιά μου πάντα έδινε τα παλιά της ρούχα στην εκάστοτε κυρία που της καθάριζε (της το κρατάω λίγο αυτό, αν δεν το έκανε θα τα είχα εγώ τώρα)
That is really sad and inconsiderate! I don't think I've ever thrown away any clothes, why would I? There are so many people who need them, the least you can do is put them in a separate bag near the trash, I guarantee they'll be gone in minutes!
well....that's another strong post by you!
i really hope people stop doing mom always gave our stuff to the church,and we never ourselves said no to secondhand goods.some people think it's embarrassing!
some times i go by garbage cans and i see wonderful things thrown away!!and a few blocks further shoeless people begging...
yesterday there was a vintage fur right outside my place...but who can put it on oneself when it copulates with toilet paper??
that's embarrassing!
these people show no respect!
polu asxhmo ontws....
panta ma panta xariza kai xarizw pote den exw petaksei !
charity shops apisteuto concept pou den uparxei sthn ellada!
my mum always taught me to give clothes away rather than throw them away and i was very shocked when i took 3 bags of clothes to the red cross only to be told off! they don't accept clothes anymore, just money! i guess its because its too expensive to send them abroad but i was still shocked. thankfully my mum came to the rescue again: her church has a charity shop so i give clothes to them, at least i know someone will appreciate them!
Πολύ μελαγχολικό θέαμα.. Πλέον ανταλλάζω ρούχα και παπούτσια με τις φίλες μου και τα υπόλοιπα τα δίνω σε μια οργάνωση που τα στέλνει στην Κένυα. Ας τα πάρουν άνθρωποι που τα χρειάζονται.
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