So I got tagged too.
Lovely Lucia of blog-tales tagged me and another 3 bloggers to do the usual blog game: go to the 4th folder of our pictures and select the 4th picture to then share it with you.
I know some cheated and had their reasons for doing so, but I was determined to play by the rules. So I go to My Pictures>click! ...then the 4th folder>click! ...cross my fingers... and this is the forth picture:
Hm, now you see I was quite hesitant as to whether I should post it for it has nothing to do with fashion. This is one of my tortoises, Helonie. She lives in our garden (we've got 3) and for now she is hibernating, preparing for a wonderfully sunny Spring. Even the way she plunges into cherry tomatoes is more sloppy than stylish. But she's special to me.She is female and I can tell that because her belly is bended outwards (to carry eggs when she has to) whereas males' bellies are bended inwards (to fit better on top of the females when ..reproducing). Helonie is our eldest and I can only tell that from her size. Overall, I know she will outlive us all as tortoises tend to live for 100-150 years.
Helonie is a rather blunt name, it is only a paraphrase of the word "helona", which is Greek for "tortoise". What else... she is a reptile, prefers indoors to outdoors (weird, I know) and loves the smell of sun-cream (once she bit my little toe but I forgive her).
So since I decided to play fair, here's the closest link to style I could find: the Hermès limited edition silk scarf «de Madras à Zakynthos». Was unveiled here in Athens last November and is inspired by Helonie's protected cousins, sea turtles Caretta-Caretta. Those sweet creatures are in great danger of extinction and only reproduce at the beaches of Zante (Zakynthos) in Greece.
The scarf was created by Dominik Jarlegant and cames in various colours even though in Greece we'll only be able to get blue and emerald green. Part of the profits will go to the National Marine Park of Zante, towards the protection of the species. If you are an Hermès person and have been looking for a silk scarf to buy, go for this one, it's for a good cause!
So this was the 4th pic in the 4th folder of My Pictures... (lucky it wasn't me in embarassing swimwear, was close!). However, now Little Miss Play-By-The-Rules I, have to tag another 4 bloggers to do the same. Great. All of you seem to have done this already!
Em... hopefully these guys haven't.
I am tagging: Blood Roses, Qin-At-The-Disco Yiqin, The Stylish Wanderer aaand Irene from Girl Next Blog.