Here's some (girly) stuff you can do to your board. All from the 7ply Poject exhibition at Technopolis, Gazi. (See image title for artists names) Or you can use it as a stool and gain a few cm over others in the crowd. Action outside the exhibition area. Falls under stuff you can do to your board*. (* add 'BMX bike' to that) Leaving you with a back flipflair. (i'm a knitter what do I know;) )
fat and lazy ... last show of'em attended by moi. it was fun:)
week...i've lost count
week seven
week five
week four
Week Three
Week Two
Week One
Pics In This Blog
The pictures in this blog are usually shot by me and referenced as such. The rest do not belong to me but are posted for commentary purposes and I'm doing my best to reference them and link them to the original sources. If for some reason the owner does not want them here, please email me and I will happily remove them.
Oh, I wish we were able to attend that event! My husband was hard core into skateboarding - he would have loved it. I have to show this post to him.
The board thats fuzzy and shaggy is the best!
Rianna xxx
Great event in Athens!I'm not good at skate, but I love who do it!
Follow -> F*** the fame.
I knew you'd love the "skate is dead long live knitting and reading" board!
what an awesome project.i love it when people get creative in such wayz!!
Hey! "Long live knitting and reading" was one of my boards... :-)
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